Tuesday, March 25, 2008

cuckoo face

whoever reads this is a cuckoo face...woo!!!

had physics test earlier...think i really fucked up...like...aiyo MAPALE!!!!!
really...like..gravity and all that shit....we don't need no gravity....
and stupid tamadun is***...sorry must censor nowadays...though noone's gonna read this blog
i wonder why this author even care's
dumb ass

anyways...anyways what?
there's nothing to shit about....other than that i miss BREN
oooohhhh baby

other than that....maalini bloody going back on friday....a week off or sth...not fair...no hols for me aso...vennila going back every weekend...other than this weekend cos there's this BIRTHDAY BASH....IWANNA GO!!!!
i'm your girlfrend rite venn???
i'd even be the waiter for the nite...as long drinks are free...

oh ya...man u 3-0 liverpool
mascherano must be deaf or not understand english
torres has just proven he's gay....

liverpool shall be relegated

bye fools....

love song-sara bareilles
ching a ling-missy elliot

Sunday, March 9, 2008


you're all UPOS's


ello boss...it's the election period..and i feel the bahasa melayu

"terlalu lambat untuk minta maaf...terlau lambattttt......"

"dia sebab air mata atas gitarku.."
teardrops on my guitar

"babi kalau kau strip kau dapat tip kerana ku suka saja dirimu"
the way i are

"bagi bagi ku bagi ku bagi bagi ku"
gimme more

"si pendek ada jeans bentuk epal, but dengan bulu(dengan bulu!!) seluruh kelab tengok-tengok dia,dia hentam lantai,kemudian si pendek pergi rendah rendah rendah rendah rendah rendah rendah rendah "

"dia nak cinta-cinta, nak tu cium-cium,dalam mindanya dia bermimpi untuk dengan sayaa"""
kiss kiss

"kau terlalu cantikkkkk awet,kerana tu ia takkan jadi, kau buatku bunuh diri,bunuh diri bila kau kata dah habis"
beautiful girls

"setiap hari kau buatku cinta hang kurang dan kurang"
everyday i love you less and less

"askar boi dalamnya oh,tengok saya cranknya,tengok saya guling,tengok saya crank askar boi tu,supermannn tu pelacur"
crank that

"ku tak peduli apa mereka kata, saya cinta padamu,mereka cuba tarik saya pi,tapi mereka tak tahu apa benar,jantung saya cacat kerana vena yang saya selalu tutup,kau potong saya buka dan saya terus berdarah,terus terus berdarah cinta"
bleeding love

"henti dan tengok,saya rasa saya bergerak tapi tak pi mana,ya saya tahu semua orang takut,tapi saya jadi apa saya tak boleh jadi,oh boleh kamu tengok apa saya tengok"
stop and stare

"nangis saya satu sungai"
cry me a river

"mereka cuba bawa saya ke pemulihan tapi ku kata tidak tidak tidak"

"oh tuhan saya"
oh my god

"tolong jangan hentikan muzik"
please don't stop the music

"bila matahari sinar kita sinar sama-sama,bagi hang tahu saya sini selamanya,kata saya sentiasa jadi kawan,buat janji saya akan kekal hingga habisnya,sekarang hujan lebih dari lebih,tahu bahawa kita masih ada kita,kamu boleh diri bawah payung saya,kamu boleh diri bawa payung saya, yung yung eh eh eh,bawah payung saya yung yung eh eh eh"

"kamu atas jantung saya seperti tatu,seperti tatu,saya akan selalu cintamu"

"saya perlu sikit tuah dari sedikit,kerana setiap kali saya sangkut kata-kata tak betul,dan setiap kali saya cuba saya terikat lidah,saya perlu sikit tuah baik untuk tolong saya kali ini"
tongue tied

"kalau kamu sedar apa yang saya sedar,kita akan jadi sempurna untuk kita dan takkan cari yang lain,sedar apa yang saya sedar,kita takkan perlu fikir kalau tertinggal pada kita kali ini"

"saya takkan tulis untuk kamu lagu cinta,kerana kau mintanya,kerana kau perlukannya,kau tengok,saya takkan tulis untuk kamu lagu cinta,kerana kau bagi ku tahu jadi ke tak jadi,kalau kau ikut jalan kau,aku takkan tulis untuk kamu untuk kekal,kalau semua yang kau ada ialah berpisah,saya perlukan sebab lebih baik untuk tulis lagu cinta untuk kau hari ini"
love song

fuckin a

Friday, March 7, 2008


elections tomorrow..wait....who gives a flying fuck?
sue me
i mean we know who's going to win..it'll be the Dare To Fail guy...who portrays a nicer bald head better than him?
Billy Lim or sth....you rock man...
elections bloody boring la...one party will rat bout each other

wait...not that boring la...not bad actually...you'd think each politician would try not making fun or criticise another politician...but man our Pak Lah and Anwar...back on forth saying he did this and he did that...
or he shitted in his pants when he was 5 or he wore victoria's secret juse to 'rasa" his feminine side...kinda shows our "Pemimpin's" would go to extreme lengths just to win the elections...

to me...if they're unhappy just announce la..then go fart in their face..toxic rite?i doubt you'll be charged with murder for farting in someone's face...no bodyguard can block a fart rite?

the city is at war...bring the keris and the char koey teow and the mutton pratal and the thosai and the cheongsam's and the saree's...

and when it's nine in the afternoon
you can kiss my ass and taste my shit..yuck

i need a beer

Sunday, March 2, 2008

klang baby

had a good weekend...went to maal's place on friday...with vennila...and of cos patrick was already there...
omg it was so fun letting them think i was angry for leaving me at the chinese shop(assholes)..of cos i was angry at first..but then it simmered down..but kept acting...they thought i was gonna burn the place down with the lighter...wow
but after that it was good there...man i was on a bed with two good looking girls..but hey guess what....it sounds hot, but it's not
fuck my life
i'm gonna kill myself after this post...wake up write another post and kill myself again...
oh...and i was given THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW by maalini...i was freakin abused by her,,,and vennila...she even came with a chopper!!!
i fear for my life

then left on sat...then went to klang on sat itself for a hockey game...PSC came down for a game agaisnt royal klang club...we won 5-2 thanks to baby Bren for the passes..but i passed too k...it's been two days and my ass is aching cos i ahven't been playing...bruises all over..pain la..
i dunno why but maal, vennila and patrick came over for the game cos they wanted to watch the game they said...but i think i know the real reason they came...to watch something else...baby

then they stayed over for dinner at the club
they're officially the PSC supporters...anyways those 3 left at bout 10.30...the rest of us and the hockey guys left...well very late la..drank then bah kut teh...
anyways left the hotel next day at bout 11 sth to see cousin, mimitha....been quite a while since i saw her...oh yeah dad came along too with uncle harbans..
dad then dropped me off at the lrt station where i went to sentral from there to have lunch with vennila...kenny roger's......where she became an instant emo filled chick for that while...
which will never work because she laughs too bloody loud...more than the world does...

left round 5...got back...studied

oh yeah
thsi morning class canceled, test postponed to tomorrow and test from 2 chapters to 1
proves my point doesn't it......bloody CCB's.....

gonan study....wait i don't feel like i wanna
i wanna watch heroes
but like

just for patrick
how many licks-lil' kim